To the mom going back to work..

Thank you to our contributor, Morgan B. for sharing these thoughts with our community.

I’m seven weeks postpartum.

My miracle baby is seven weeks old.

Birth was everything I hoped for. Natural, fast and no complications. I am in awe of my body and this sweet baby. He’s starting to smile and react to me when I talk to him. He sleeps on me all day and next to me at night.

I’m his world and he’s mine.

I am in love with everything he does.

It’s hard. I’ve cried a lot. I’m tired. I cry because yes it’s hard and I’ve had my postpartum moments but I cry because I want to be there with him for all of his firsts. I don’t want to miss a thing. I don’t want to leave him with anyone.

How can I go back to work?

My prayer is I can stay home with him or that I get something part time or remote… or that I am just filled with peace and joy returning to a full time job away from him.

My heart hurts a little knowing my time at home will end. baby boy you are so loved. You have changed me truly.

Some days I don’t know who I am but that’s okay. I’m your momma and it’s the biggest blessing.

I’m writing this after nursing just cuddling in the recliner in your nursery. You’re staring at me with your Paci and just wiggling around. You are soo strong already. Your smile lights up my day. You have the biggest bluest eyes and the sweetest demeanor. I could look at you all day long.

And I do. 

To the mommas excited to go back to work, staying home, or torn between the two… you've got this.

We are so proud of you. You are an amazing mom. Whatever you’re feeling- we have felt it too. 

I hated being told I would get used to it- if that’s you. That’s okay.

The best piece of advice I can give? Take whatever you do a day at a time.

Hour by hour.

Give yourself grace.

Go get em momma. 


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